Field Trip: Sidewalk Labs, 10 Hudson Yards, 26th Floor
Enter at 30th Street and 10th Ave., and take the “L’Oreal Escalator,” on your right, to the security desk on the upper level. We’ll gather near the security desk by 4:20, then check in and head upstairs together. Please make sure to arrive before 4:20!
- John Hockenberry, “The Future of the ‘Smart City,’” The Takeaway (June 23, 2016) [radio: 0:52] (consider the gendered roles various spokespeople play here).
- Check out Sidewalk Labs.
- Skim through Sidewalk Talk.
- Shannon Mattern, “Instrumental City: The View from Hudson Yards, circa 2019,” Places Journal (April 2016).
- Nick Pinto, “Google is Transforming NYC’s Payphones into a ‘Personalized Propaganda Engine,’” Village Voice (July 6, 2016).
- Search for and review recent popular and academic publications on Hudson Yards and Sidewalk Labs. We’ll create a shared Google Doc on which we can collaboratively build an annotated bibliography.
Photo : Hudson Yards rendering.