Liam Young Exhibition @ Arthur Ross Architecture Gallery, 3/30-5/13

Liam Young: New Romance will be on view at the Arthur Ross Architecture Gallery from March 30 to May 13, 2017.

Opening: March 30: Liam Young and Tim Maughn in conversation with Cristina Goberna, Julia Kaganskiy, and Irene Sunwoo
Discussion 6:00pm, Exhibition Reception 7:00pm

The Arthur Ross Architecture Gallery presents Liam Young: New Romance, the first U.S. solo exhibition of speculative architect, artist, and filmmaker Liam Young. The exhibition features three recently completed film projects – In the Robot Skies (2016), Where the City Can’t See (2016), and the debut of Renderlands (2017) – as well as a selection of props, materials and research that helped shape the fictional worlds encompassed in each film.

While storytelling, documentary film and multimedia performance have been central to Young’s practice, the exhibition reveals his emerging engagement with narrative film as an architectural medium and his ground-breaking experimentation with new technologies as cinematic tools. Young deploys autonomous drones (In the Robot Skies), manipulates laser scanning and data (Where the City Can’t See), and mines the digital detritus of the global industry of outsourced renderings (Renderlands) to create new worlds where fictions unfold. Harnessing technologies of visualization and narrative to craft urban imaginaries, the trio of films expand our understanding of how architectural design can uncover possible futures.