Breaking the Black Box, 1/31

Breaking the Black Box:
How Algorithms Make Decisions About You

Venue: The Greene Space @ 44 Charlton Street, New York, NY
(corner of Varick Street)

Tuesday, January 31, 2017 @ 7:00 PM

Event Page

Algorithms are everywhere, sifting through information to determine the curated news we read, the prices we pay for goods and services, and even which people are most compatible for us to date. But often we don’t know how, exactly, machines are making these decisions.

WNYC’s Manoush Zomorodi joins forces with ProPublica to talk about their recent investigation, “Breaking the Black Box,” and launch Note to Self’s own latest project: “The Privacy Paradox,” a five-part podcast and audience engagement series designed to take the mystery out of digital privacy.

Hear about how to protect your personal data, the hidden biases in algorithms, and ways we can peek inside black boxes and hold actual people accountable. With ProPublica senior reporter Julia Angwin, entrepreneur and writer Anil Dash and Microsoft researcher Solon Barocas.