…And why are they often so dumb and scary?
- Anthony Townsend, “Urbanization and Ubiquity” in Smart Cities: Big Data, Civic Hackers, and the Quest for a New Utopia (New York: Norton, 2013): 1-18 [I encourage you to read the entire book throughout the semester].
- Browse through Anthony Townsend, “Cities of Data: Exploring the New Urban Science.”
- Orit Halpern, Jesse LeCavalier, Nerea Calvillo, and Wolfgang Pietsch, “Test-Bed Urbanism,” Public Culture 25:2 (2013): 273-306.
- Rob Kitchin, “Making Sense of Smart Cities: Addressing Present Shortcomings,” Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 8 (2015): 131-36.
- Rob Kitchin, “Rethinking, Reimagining and Remaking Smart Cities,” Programmable City Working Paper 20 (August 2016).
- Reeves Wiedeman, “The Big Hack,” New York Magazine (June 19, 2016).
- You’ll want to sit down for this: Ben Huh, “Should I Pursue My Passion or Business?” Medium (October 25, 2016).
- Skim Seattle’s Digital Equity initiative and NYC’s Guidelines for the Internet of Things
Mock Town Hall: Today in class, we’ll be holding a Mock Town Hall regarding the hypothetical implementation of a new “smart infrastructure” in a fictional city.
Supplemental: Plenty more people (mostly guys) to choose from!!
- Michael Batty, The New Science of Cities (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2013).
- Dan Hill’s City of Sound and Medium channel.
- Adam Greenfield, Against the Smart City (Do Projects, 2013).
- Constantine Kontokosta, “CUSP Quantified Community and Neighborhood Labs,” AEC Technology Symposium (September 25, 2015).
- Constantine Kontokosta, Nicholas Johnson and Anthony Schloss, “The Quantified Community at Red Hook: Urban Sensing and Citizen Science in Low-Income Neighborhoods,” Bloomberg Data for Good Conference (September 25, 2016).
- Keiichi Matsuda, Hyper-Reality (2016) [film]
- William Mitchell, Me++: The Cyborg Self and the Networked City (Cambridge, MIT Press, 2003) and e-topia: Urban Life, Jim – But Not as We Know It (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999).
- Brian Nussbaum, “Smart Cities – The Cyber Security and Privacy Implications of Ubiquitous Urban Computing,” Stanford Center for Internet and Society (February 9, 2016).
- Antoine Picon, Smart Cities: A Spatialized Intelligence (Wiley, 2015).
- Carlo Ratti and Matthew Claudel, The City of Tomorrow: Sensors, Networks, Hackers, and the Future of Urban Life (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2016).
- Jathan Sadowski and Frank Pasquale, “The Spectrum of Control: A Social Theory of the Smart City,” First Monday 20:7 (2015).
- Mark Shepard, Ubiquitous Computing, Architecture, and the Future of Urban Space (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2011).
- Liesbet van Zoonen, “Privacy Concerns in Smart Cities,” Gov’t Info Quarterly 33:3 (July 2016).
- White House, Office of the Press Secretary, “Fact Sheet: Announcing…Participating Communities in the White House Smart Cities Initiative” (September 26, 2016).
- Liam Young, “An Atlas of Fiducial Landscapes: Touring the Architectures of Machine Vision,” Log 36 (Winter 2016): 125-34.
- New news about digital equity: Brian Fung, “The FCC is Stopping 9 companies from Providing Federally Subsidized Internet to the Poor,” Washington Post (February 3, 2017).
Photo : Orit Halpern